As a lecturer, it is a headache enough when checking students' semester examination. many methods that are usually used to determine the final value of the student subjects. lecturer at the initial meeting usually offer a learning contract in the form of assessment components attendance, assignments, mid semester and final exams. There are only judging from the mid and final exam without a care of his attendance. There is also the rate of major tasks, responses, etc. Lab exam.
so can any real value there that students take an average distribution. This means that in a class taken the lowest and highest values and then take the benchmarks with the lowest E value and the highest value of A. This model is less favored by students. Happen what ever there must be a valuable error. value of the benchmark model numbers 000-100 are usually preferred.
there are no standard benchmarks are the same perception of all the lecturers to give a rating. eg lecturer lecturer A and B may give a different value on a single exam students. Anyone have different experiences ...?