Friday, February 29, 2008

Writers book Workshop Makassar

Saturday, February 24 date last week Andi Jogja Publisher STMIK Dipanegara is located in Makassar, held a workshop on Writing Books. This activity is a series of seven cities where similar activities were held. Makassar is the last chance the city from the series.

Present as speakers are Mr. Onno, Mas Edi Mulyana and Pak Joko Mumpuni that divides these tips to write a book. Some important points in this workshop is to be a writer's book is a promising profession. Being a writer is not only a financial improvement, but also enhance their career and spiritual needs. Onno pack in his presentation, explaining the key words in order to write a lot of reading.

Quite a few of the secrets of success choose a career as a writer is disclosed, even the secret of success kang Onno was distributed to workshop participants. for the curious, we've made a special mailing list for writers in there to join friends from the publisher Andi Publishing, Kang Onno and workshop participants.

Hanya ada di Sengkang

Jenis angkutan penumpang saat ini yang sering kita lihat adalah Mikrolet, Taksi, Bus Mini, Bus AC besar dll. Masing-masing banyak terlihat di dekat rumah kiat, di jalan2 raya. Hal ini sudah lumrah.

Pernahkah anda melihat angkutan kota model Datsun? model penumpang naik atau turun lewat bagian belakang, ruang Supir dan Penumpang dipisahkan dinding besi tipis. Waktu saya kecil (sekitar tahun 4-6 tahun) Mobil Angkutan seperti ini masih sering dijumpai.

Sepertinya angkutan ini hanya ada di Kab Wajo - kota Sengkang. Soalnya selama ini kalo saya jalan ke daerah belum pernah melihat angkutan seperti ini di tempat lain.