At the presentation this time acting as a speaker is Arman Satari who talk about Linux and its benefits. Adi Nugroho talking about Open Office and Phipho about Multimedia in Linux.
The event starts promptly at 9 am, with the first speaker Arman Satari. Unlike the previous linux roadshow in STMIK Dipa Negara. This time without further pleasantries, without sepatahkata and straight into the welcome introduction to the subject of Linux. Presentations 100% this time attended by all new students of Faculty of Medicine Hasanuddin University. The first material to run for about 45 minutes talking about the benefits and why it chose Linux as its operating system daily.
Adi Nugroho as the second speaker talked about Open Office. this time participants actually "entertained" with his presentation. fitur2 explained that there is no operating system "other" which basically asked all participants to try to use open office instead of a paid software.
The third speaker, explaining phipho multimedia applications that run on Linux. This time the participants truly impressed with the superior features that are difficult in the "opponent" rival operating systems. play a song, run a movie and play standard games run smoothly and can compete with a rival operating system.
The enthusiasm of participants also looks quite enthusiastic with some fairly weighty questions. one participant asked: if Linux has many advantages, whether too many shortcomings linux ..? If Linux is Free and Open Source then where programmers and users earn money untukdapat kept walking ...? and many more questions Medical Students who really weighs.
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