Saturday, September 06, 2008

Introducing Linux and Open Source Software at FK Unhas

Saturday September 6, 2008 in the theater classroom Lt.5 Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University held an "Introduction to Linux and Open Source Software" for new students of Faculty of Medicine Hasanuddin University. This event was organized by the POSS and the Faculty of Medicine Hasanuddin University in collaboration with the Linux Users Group Ujungpandang (naive) and Ariel Computers.

At the presentation this time acting as a speaker is Arman Satari who talk about Linux and its benefits. Adi Nugroho talking about Open Office and Phipho about Multimedia in Linux.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ubuntu Makassar Meeting

Its been long time waiting for this meeting finally Ubuntu Community gathered in one cafe on Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin. At this meeting we agreed to make  Ubuntu Sub Local Community Makassar.
Hopefully continuing with its work program .

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Road Show Linux for Education

As seen at the picture beside, all organizing commitee and speakers take a photo before end of meeting.

This event took place on Saturday 09-08-2008 at STMIK Dipanegara Campus.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Building a system of mutual support each other

Smart Campus Telkom, online banking BNI and Seamolec Learning System

Telkom Smart Campus
Data Management and Information Systems in Higher Education today is much influenced by the progress of information technology and communications. Utilization began to be felt by most universities already established and have substantial financial resources to bring the technology at their respective campuses.

Although most universities still not much aided by an integrated information system, Sooner or later the Higher Education will implement this system. The last thing a lot of benefits is the connection of all academic processes into one system. For example charging KRS, tuition payments to the feature-Based Studies Program Evaluation Self-Evaluation (EPSBED).

Integrated information system services is provided by the Telkom Solution and can be utilized as big as possible for college sewilayah 9 Kopertis with a fairly cheap price without investment costs are borne by the telecom.

BNI Online Banking
BNI system allows payments arising from tuition and fees can be paid directly through ATM - Student Payment Center, the menu system is already equipped with college payments. This helps students to pay anywhere without the need to queue. Students re-registration can be done automatically after the semester terdebet money via ATM. This system can also build trust and transparency in the management of education funds.

Seamolec Learning System

Seamolec currently developing a program SeaEduNet (Southeast Asian Education Network) is a solution based distance education multicast used to improve the quality and quantity of networks with wider coverage.

These systems can be adopted as a raw model for the distribution of education throughout the region. Equality education is the opening is an equal opportunity to gain knowledge from an expert lecturer to the corners that are not affordable even telephone wires.

With the cooperation the three above systems plus the provision by the Post Graduate Lecturer at Hasanuddin University. Will create a learning system with a very wide range. Involve resource persons with expertise in their fields, to engage students in various areas. And finally, join the noble purpose of the intellectual life of the nation may soon be realized. Amen ... ..

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Satellite Based Education

Indonesia with more than 17,000 islands and have 416 different local language is the best example on how to implement Satellite based education. it's reduce cost and increase quality-quantity number of students who can access this specific way to learn.

In Seamolec we already implement this Satellite Based Education. we have a lot of program to do in the future.

you can join us to be a part of Satellite based education in one simple step. access our wesbite in for more information.

hope we can create an student satellite based education environment in our neighbour start from now...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Three Steps to IPV6

Preparation Phase - Present to December 2008 In the Preparation Phase, entities prepare to provide
Internet-facing services via IPv6-based connectivity while continuing to provide Internet-facing services
via IPv4 connectivity.

Transition Phase - January 2009 to December 2010 In the Transition Phase, entities provide Internet-facing services via IPv6-based connectivity in addition to IPv4-based connectivity.

Post-Transition Phase - January 2011 to the Future
In the Post-Transition Phase, entities provide all Internet-facing services via IPv6-based connectivity.

Experience auditing Information System ISO 9001:2000 based

Once upon a time I was assigned to audit the office of Information Systems in Regional / branch in east Java on assignment from my boss at headquarters - Central Jakarta.

Previously we had four in the Laboratory Information System was given in depth training about:

- "Effective Internal Audit and Corrective / Preventive Action" which was held by the Business Excellence.

- Intensive ISO 9001:2000 Internal Quality Auditor Skills Training organized by the PQM.

Important elements of the audit:

Information Systems Audit and legal aspects

I think all agree that now (and always) the implementation of audit information system can not leave the legal compliance aspects relevant within the scope of his audit. Developments in Indonesia in early 2008 was very demanding enhancement of the role we all, especially related to legalization:
Law. 11 of 2008 on Electronic Information & Transactions
and to public institutions there is a new addition of the following:
Law. 14 Year 2008 on Disclosure of Public Information
Perhaps the above information can add to our collective knowledge. BTW, In the portal we can discover a variety of legislation we need in the audit system information, of course, related to the client, the purpose and scope of its audit.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Familiar with ISO 9001:2000

11 months ago, exactly 30 June 2007 (see thread ->  I never post about the ISO 9001:2000 document management, time management where we have not controlled documents (maybe even until today:))

When meeting in SEAMOLEC , on sessions ISO material gives me a bit about the Old responses mastery over the material of ISO 9001:2000. from my previous experience of ISO9001: 2000 is quite difficult especially for controlled within a month. Because this standard is known quite tight, before any further it's good that we get to know first what the ISO.
ISO is a governing body certification or authorize a standard. ISO stands for International Standard Organization. ISO is made because the company wants from a variety of business sectors to satisfy its customers, in particular by improving the quality of work and service in accordance with the standards established. Not the body that created the ISO standard, but a body that produces standard way to ensure that followed in line with the rate of companies that use the standard chosen.
ISO 9001:2000 is an international standard for quality management systems. ISO 9001:2000 define the requirements and recommendations for the design and evaluation of a quality management system, which aims to ensure that the organization will provide products (goods and / or services) that meet specified conditions. Specified requirements may be a specific requirement of customers, where the organization is in the contract is responsible for ensuring the quality of particular products or the needs of specific markets, as determined by the organization.
In a college environment, what is meant by quality assurance or quality of service is provided by the colleges of stakeholders, consisting of students, alumni, graduate user / industry and parents of students.
Stakeholders will mention whatever aspect considered in determining the quality of higher education, such as aspects related to: 1. lectures and curriculum materials that link and match with the industrial world; 2. lecturing process which sesuaidengan conditions apply; 3. competence of lecturers as appropriate; 4. facilities and infrastructure that support the learning processes.
Although no definition of an acceptable quality of public secarara, all have in common, namely: 1. quality include efforts to meet or exceed customer expectations; 2. includes quality products, services, people, process and environment; 3. Quality is an ever-changing conditions (something that is considered quality today may not be considered qualified in the future).
To be continued ......

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Training SEAMOLEC planning program

In the end of this week 26-27 april 2008, all Konsultants met in SEAMOLEC office met in SEAMOLEC office. in two days we learn Multicast for distance learning, 2008 planning program.

one of our biggest challenge is make 1 million students for distance learning. we strongly believe for the next 3 years this could be happen, like when we manage Pelatihan Jardiknas 2007.
Our next 3 years plan are making 100 programs, cooperation with 6000 institution from School, Dinas Pendidikan, University all over indonesia.

Our target clients SD/SMP/SMA/SMK/MI , P4TK, LPMP, Provider PJJ PGSD, Provider (consortium) , Provider (others), Institutions and ASEAN with total 6337 clients..
We Have program Training like : ICT Basic, ICT Intermediate, ICT Advanced, Bahan Ajar Cetak, Bahan ajar audio Visual, Tutorial Tatap Muka, Tutorial Online, E-Portfolio Development, WIKI untuk pembelajaran, Penulisan Jurnal Online, E-Radio, ISO, Multicast & Dynamic Routing, KKPI, Blog, Web 2.0, Web Quest, Entrepreneur, Paperless Ect.

Hopefully... we meet nothing bad happen when our program running, and our target to making people smart in sophisticated number will come true.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Finally my fourth book was release on bookstore

Yesterday I was idly to Gramedia Mall Diamond - Makassar looking for a book mini-PC Media. Unfortunately I was looking for books not yet published, this book is important for me because in it there is continued discussion about the SMS Gateway. Incidentally SMS Gateway program is one of my programs are already ready to use but poor reference. Well in that book is discussed in greater detail.
Before turning, as usual I check the list of books in the Scholastic computer. aja times my book was published. On a previous visit had not yet signed my book to Makassar.

Checks based on keywords author - "Resha" - Gotcha ... Surprise I've entered Scholastic book, certainly with the distribution system Pernerbit ANDI means in all Scholastic book already exists ...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Java is everywhere, can you see IT?

The most booming businesses in the history of technology today is the Telephone Clasp, and java has become the only technology that hold the most in the human race on earth today.

Although many of those who do not understand how to use it even not a few who did not know that java is a technology that gripped every day. may be, this fact makes many people (Java programmer) said, "Java is everyehere, can you see it?"

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

understanding Multicast and IPV6

recently, in quick search from internet, i found some resources that would be helpfull to understand term multicast and IPV6.



hope it help us to understand this stuff

Friday, April 04, 2008

Workshop SOI (School Of Internet) at SISDIKSAT UNHAS

Workshop SOI (School Of Internet) live from Japan was held Today (April 4th 2008) at SisDikSat UNHAS. As one of the member SOI UNHAS regularly join this distance learning. every member could be a lecturer or stay as a student. Participant from SISDIKSAT UNHAS as shown on the picture below from left to right : Kiki, guest, Luqe and me (Resha).

Every lecturer have time to present the subject like on schedule.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Visiting Provider PJJ in UNHAS

The week third of Pendamping's Job. me myself visiting Provider in UNHAS. one of two provider in South Sulawesi. this time i'm planning to see haw fast the growing of teaching dan how many problems there. beside that i'm planning to see how actively the student coming to the class. from our discussion i can concluded that the teaching and learning has run well.

There are many things have to be pay attention :
  • Not all student join the class actively. even there are 3 students has not come to kampus yet.
  • The status of the student has the same status with other faculty. having student card, learn in the class etc
  • many student wants to move to another district.
  • many teacher continuing their study

Video Conference Kopertis 9, Kab Minahasa Tenggara and ITPS Surabaya

poltek-resha1.jpgLast Saturday, there are 3 node of jardiknas join in a video conference to share information in each node. coincidence, at that time Mr Albert Pontoh MM as The Regent of Minahasa Tenggara and Mr Drs. MJ Manoppo, M.Sc as the head of Dinas Pendidikan Kab Minahasa Tenggara Open at the first time using jardiknas in his teritory.

As the result of integrating Kab Minahasa Tenggara as a part of the another 1014 Jardiknas node all over the indonesia so each node could share the experience to another.

from ITPS Surabaya, MR Khalid explains about using jardiknas, for example this 3 node of video conference much more efficient than in the past using mail, phone and SMS.

As you can see below, the picture of node in Kopertis when 3 node video conference.

Hopefully, using Jardiknas could be a bridge of information between one school to another. supported with another program from National Education Department like PJJ S1 PGSD to helping teacher upgrade their knowledge until Bachelor Degree. the lack of information access dan distance could be decrease with using the Jardiknas.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Meeting with one of D3TKJ's Provider : Politeknik Negeri Ujungpandang

Lastweek at thuesday, i have visited one of two provider in South Sulawesi to find out how far our programs run, especially D3TKJ and Provider itself. from our conversation with the PIC there... Mrs Hafsah, there's some important thing that i think it must pay more attention for us.

  • Many students (D3TKJ) asking about the future of this scholar especially on how elligeble the certificate to continues thier studies..
  • there are still a lot of ICT Center district have not take the fee yet..
  • The Provider are planning to make all module teaching book. nowadays teaching and learning process directly in front of screen monitor without module book. the impact of this process many student not learning serious, only about 25% of student who really have strong "willing" to learn.
  • Not at all student active, neither do teachers who always come on time to teach.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

We’re all in this together

Starting this year in 2008 all crew "Pendamping Perencanaan" meet in Jakarta. In this meeting all of us sharing information about our activities in each province, also the meeting would like to hear guidance of Kepala Biro Perencanaan and Kerjasama Luar Negeri - Department Minister of National Education.

This event is a symbol to start our activies in each province, which many plan to be guarded so that all jobs will running well. Attend at this meeting all friends from 33 Propince all over Indonesia. We’Re all in this together

complete names list of the participant attending visible in :

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Misunderstanding Open Source

I see still often happened misunderstand to open source. Following I embrace some explanations conceptors and activator free software and open source, be like Eric S Raymond, Richard M Stallman, etc.
One of the special purpose maker software in his masterpiece license as free software or open source is to get the friend colaboration so that yield software the goodness quickly and have cheap expense, some good Product for example : Apache, MySQL, PHP, Java, Postfix, etc.
Thus, it's not to make software free of charge.
Free of charge in understanding not necessarily the expense of to get the permit to using-learning-developing and releasing that only one of many positive effects of the model open source.
Other purpose:
. - amenity of update, patch, and other repair, caused by source.
. - cost-saving, time, and manpower in world, very darling if each;every pemrogram have to start from zero, if other have made it. Better of time used to develop furthermore or do something else.
. - etc.
Making expense software open source not cheap, more than anything else free of charge, be like seen from result survey MERIT yg defray Uni Eropa:
. - Development expense OpenOffice: 482 jt euro, [about/around] 5 trillion Rp.
. - Kernel ( operating system heart) Linux: 882 jt euro, ~ 10 trillions rupiahs

Transformer the movie, i wonder how to make this realistic

last week i wacthed a very interesting movie, yes... like i always waiting for science fiction movie, this is one of the best i think. This film as a whole is animation film of 3D best which is me have look on. Graphical and his reality storey;level is very keen. need hundreds of year make nge-"render" this film on my compouter.... Hehehe.
Story road;street started with a period of/to newest and then flashback to assorted sequence the event where governmental actually USA have known of this thing but not yet had the resolving to the kejadian2 this.
Solidarity between Michael Bay which is champion in film action ( The Rock, Bad Boys I & II, Armageddon) with Stephen Spielberg ( who is don't know Spielberg?) yield solidarity able to be spelled out members respect by its is separate. Many adegan2 barrel of fun, touch, edukasional, recognition of technology and human which is letter and implicit in this film capable to make this film to look on the most exciting as far as i know.(The most entertaining movies)

you should see the movie.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Coppermine - The best Opensource Image gallery

Two days ago i found a great opensource image gallery, it's easy way to publish our images even in hundred pictures. the source you can download from

is it the best image gallery ever? at least a lot of netter said so. To improve it first, i try to install coppermine in my localhost. extract from compressed file and i find no problem, create some categories, albums, upload around 40 pictures and trully it's so easy.

i only take time one day to create new gallery website, only take 1-2 hours upload to my website. and now my gallery live from

For frends who have a plan to create website gallery, you can try this stuff. i recommend you to use coppermine - an open source image gallery. i already tried and no technical script experience required.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Writers book Workshop Makassar

Saturday, February 24 date last week Andi Jogja Publisher STMIK Dipanegara is located in Makassar, held a workshop on Writing Books. This activity is a series of seven cities where similar activities were held. Makassar is the last chance the city from the series.

Present as speakers are Mr. Onno, Mas Edi Mulyana and Pak Joko Mumpuni that divides these tips to write a book. Some important points in this workshop is to be a writer's book is a promising profession. Being a writer is not only a financial improvement, but also enhance their career and spiritual needs. Onno pack in his presentation, explaining the key words in order to write a lot of reading.

Quite a few of the secrets of success choose a career as a writer is disclosed, even the secret of success kang Onno was distributed to workshop participants. for the curious, we've made a special mailing list for writers in there to join friends from the publisher Andi Publishing, Kang Onno and workshop participants.

Hanya ada di Sengkang

Jenis angkutan penumpang saat ini yang sering kita lihat adalah Mikrolet, Taksi, Bus Mini, Bus AC besar dll. Masing-masing banyak terlihat di dekat rumah kiat, di jalan2 raya. Hal ini sudah lumrah.

Pernahkah anda melihat angkutan kota model Datsun? model penumpang naik atau turun lewat bagian belakang, ruang Supir dan Penumpang dipisahkan dinding besi tipis. Waktu saya kecil (sekitar tahun 4-6 tahun) Mobil Angkutan seperti ini masih sering dijumpai.

Sepertinya angkutan ini hanya ada di Kab Wajo - kota Sengkang. Soalnya selama ini kalo saya jalan ke daerah belum pernah melihat angkutan seperti ini di tempat lain.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The missing manual book ....

Every purchase of electronic goods, electrical mesin2 glassware booknya manual is always included. It is expected that with the manual book everyone can understand the workings of goods TSB. Including an easy way to handle troubleshooting tool if any problems arise from its use.
But have we ever think that, all maternity hospitals throughout the world does not include a manual book how to understand the baby? Take care of him when he was school? Raise it with the best education. I am saying this Book Manual is missing.
Likewise with our students. rarely do we have an understanding of what is desired by the students and how we handle it. What happens now is we actually Teachers often want to be understood. If there are students who do not want to understand would be punished. Though it was supposed to be objects rather than their students or even teachers but Mata lesson.
So, Have we found the missing manual book?

Writing a blog in english ..? why not!

Writing a blog in English as my biggest challenge in the coming months. which obviously will spend 2 times more than using language. Really hard to write it? it was really hard to learn English? let alone write in English about the World Information Technology?
The answer is EASY if you've been writing, had learned English and continue to read the development of ICT within and outside the country. HARD it is now beginning to learn English as he passed the price-to-day by continuing to write and read.
from my experience to start it all Very Serious, possibly together to hear when you learn to drive a car. Initially difficult, need a few weeks until benar2 could go down to the street. but after that, because it was used to drive the car into the crowd and the narrow jalan2 no longer difficult.
So it is with writing. take time, but believe it .. If all of these lived with consistent, the results would be visible.  whatever it is, berapaun time required, in the end your intentions will be reached ... hopefully ...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Cheapest mobile Internet connection?

I happen to already use the access via Starone last approximately four months. For prepaid users as far as I charge the most expensive ... Just 0.9 / cl Volume calculations are only based on the Base, pulse based on how much traffic was interrupted for an online download.
Cheapest fare was originally that interest me to try to access the internet. I select the package 1 GB per month to Rp. 150rb postpaid. Fairly cheaper than 3.5G subscriptions.  Nowadays only slow connections, often 1-2 full days can not connect at all. I finally closed late last year and currently StarOne I switch to using Indosat HSDPA.
Internet connection is much more stable, these last two weeks happened to me around in some districts, had tried in Bone, Wajo, Barru laptop. I can connect to the internet as well. If it's good out of town often try Indosat 3G prices are not much different from the CDMA Starone, rb 180 1GB per month, the excess is subject to 0.5 / kb.