Seeing the city of Makassar from the height its hard enough to find the best position. Before 2 years ago is still hard to find tall buildings over 15 floors. in the year 2010 this new building becomes taller races. there are 23 floors, 15, 20 etc ...
Last week able to visit a friend's office in one of the highest building. for us who rarely see this level of reply unfortunately does not photograph he2 ....
Photos taken at 12 noon on February 23, 2010 in the 23-storey building. Appear in the image a little cloudy weather again there hujan.masih other pictures I took at the left side of the building .. sometime I upload again ...
In the picture looks Court House (red roof), the prosecutor, Bank Mandiri, Sejong beach, the hotel Throne, Aryaduta. anyone see Trans Studio ...?