Thursday, March 20, 2008

We’re all in this together

Starting this year in 2008 all crew "Pendamping Perencanaan" meet in Jakarta. In this meeting all of us sharing information about our activities in each province, also the meeting would like to hear guidance of Kepala Biro Perencanaan and Kerjasama Luar Negeri - Department Minister of National Education.

This event is a symbol to start our activies in each province, which many plan to be guarded so that all jobs will running well. Attend at this meeting all friends from 33 Propince all over Indonesia. We’Re all in this together

complete names list of the participant attending visible in :

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Misunderstanding Open Source

I see still often happened misunderstand to open source. Following I embrace some explanations conceptors and activator free software and open source, be like Eric S Raymond, Richard M Stallman, etc.
One of the special purpose maker software in his masterpiece license as free software or open source is to get the friend colaboration so that yield software the goodness quickly and have cheap expense, some good Product for example : Apache, MySQL, PHP, Java, Postfix, etc.
Thus, it's not to make software free of charge.
Free of charge in understanding not necessarily the expense of to get the permit to using-learning-developing and releasing that only one of many positive effects of the model open source.
Other purpose:
. - amenity of update, patch, and other repair, caused by source.
. - cost-saving, time, and manpower in world, very darling if each;every pemrogram have to start from zero, if other have made it. Better of time used to develop furthermore or do something else.
. - etc.
Making expense software open source not cheap, more than anything else free of charge, be like seen from result survey MERIT yg defray Uni Eropa:
. - Development expense OpenOffice: 482 jt euro, [about/around] 5 trillion Rp.
. - Kernel ( operating system heart) Linux: 882 jt euro, ~ 10 trillions rupiahs

Transformer the movie, i wonder how to make this realistic

last week i wacthed a very interesting movie, yes... like i always waiting for science fiction movie, this is one of the best i think. This film as a whole is animation film of 3D best which is me have look on. Graphical and his reality storey;level is very keen. need hundreds of year make nge-"render" this film on my compouter.... Hehehe.
Story road;street started with a period of/to newest and then flashback to assorted sequence the event where governmental actually USA have known of this thing but not yet had the resolving to the kejadian2 this.
Solidarity between Michael Bay which is champion in film action ( The Rock, Bad Boys I & II, Armageddon) with Stephen Spielberg ( who is don't know Spielberg?) yield solidarity able to be spelled out members respect by its is separate. Many adegan2 barrel of fun, touch, edukasional, recognition of technology and human which is letter and implicit in this film capable to make this film to look on the most exciting as far as i know.(The most entertaining movies)

you should see the movie.