Friday, March 28, 2008

Visiting Provider PJJ in UNHAS

The week third of Pendamping's Job. me myself visiting Provider in UNHAS. one of two provider in South Sulawesi. this time i'm planning to see haw fast the growing of teaching dan how many problems there. beside that i'm planning to see how actively the student coming to the class. from our discussion i can concluded that the teaching and learning has run well.

There are many things have to be pay attention :
  • Not all student join the class actively. even there are 3 students has not come to kampus yet.
  • The status of the student has the same status with other faculty. having student card, learn in the class etc
  • many student wants to move to another district.
  • many teacher continuing their study

Video Conference Kopertis 9, Kab Minahasa Tenggara and ITPS Surabaya

poltek-resha1.jpgLast Saturday, there are 3 node of jardiknas join in a video conference to share information in each node. coincidence, at that time Mr Albert Pontoh MM as The Regent of Minahasa Tenggara and Mr Drs. MJ Manoppo, M.Sc as the head of Dinas Pendidikan Kab Minahasa Tenggara Open at the first time using jardiknas in his teritory.

As the result of integrating Kab Minahasa Tenggara as a part of the another 1014 Jardiknas node all over the indonesia so each node could share the experience to another.

from ITPS Surabaya, MR Khalid explains about using jardiknas, for example this 3 node of video conference much more efficient than in the past using mail, phone and SMS.

As you can see below, the picture of node in Kopertis when 3 node video conference.

Hopefully, using Jardiknas could be a bridge of information between one school to another. supported with another program from National Education Department like PJJ S1 PGSD to helping teacher upgrade their knowledge until Bachelor Degree. the lack of information access dan distance could be decrease with using the Jardiknas.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Meeting with one of D3TKJ's Provider : Politeknik Negeri Ujungpandang

Lastweek at thuesday, i have visited one of two provider in South Sulawesi to find out how far our programs run, especially D3TKJ and Provider itself. from our conversation with the PIC there... Mrs Hafsah, there's some important thing that i think it must pay more attention for us.

  • Many students (D3TKJ) asking about the future of this scholar especially on how elligeble the certificate to continues thier studies..
  • there are still a lot of ICT Center district have not take the fee yet..
  • The Provider are planning to make all module teaching book. nowadays teaching and learning process directly in front of screen monitor without module book. the impact of this process many student not learning serious, only about 25% of student who really have strong "willing" to learn.
  • Not at all student active, neither do teachers who always come on time to teach.