Yesterday I was idly to Gramedia Mall Diamond - Makassar looking for a book mini-PC Media. Unfortunately I was looking for books not yet published, this book is important for me because in it there is continued discussion about the SMS Gateway. Incidentally SMS Gateway program is one of my programs are already ready to use but poor reference. Well in that book is discussed in greater detail.
Before turning, as usual I check the list of books in the Scholastic computer. aja times my book was published. On a previous visit had not yet signed my book to Makassar.
Checks based on keywords author - "Resha" - Gotcha ... Surprise I've entered Scholastic book, certainly with the distribution system Pernerbit ANDI means in all Scholastic book already exists ...
The most booming businesses in the history of technology today is the Telephone Clasp, and java has become the only technology that hold the most in the human race on earth today.
Although many of those who do not understand how to use it even not a few who did not know that java is a technology that gripped every day. may be, this fact makes many people (Java programmer) said, "Java is everyehere, can you see it?"