Dulu sekali di tahun 2006 saya membuat blog dengan nama reshamks.blogspot.com dan mulai belajar menulis artikel pendek. lama tidak dibuka kemudian ada kabar blogspot telah dihapus dan hari ini saya coba akses lagi ke dashboard. kali ini berhasil dan entah nasib selanjutnya akan lebih bagus atau tetap di diamkan oleh pemiliknya.
Lets See....
Blog for All...
See, hear, read, write and convey.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2010
Seeing Makassar from 19th floor
Last week able to visit a friend's office in one of the highest building. for us who rarely see this level of reply unfortunately does not photograph he2 ....
Photos taken at 12 noon on February 23, 2010 in the 23-storey building. Appear in the image a little cloudy weather again there hujan.masih other pictures I took at the left side of the building .. sometime I upload again ...
In the picture looks Court House (red roof), the prosecutor, Bank Mandiri, Sejong beach, the hotel Throne, Aryaduta. anyone see Trans Studio ...?
Monday, January 05, 2009
exciting weekend..

Eating fish directly in the pond is an amazing experience. Fresh fish, straight from the pond.
hopefully next time there is a chance to come back again
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Blog in english version
the original idea of this blog is to provide my opinion in english.. but some of them written in bahasa indonesia. confusing..? yeah... its makes me confusing too right now.. but the time when i wrote those messages i only have one blog.
it's little bit different when internet was full of social networking service like this time. we have more options to register blog as much as we like and what the purpose of each blog. Hope you enjoy my write here in blogspot.
another blog that i have made before are resha.web.id, reshamks.wordpress.com.. please visit my main blog resha.web.id to find more information... thank you..
it's little bit different when internet was full of social networking service like this time. we have more options to register blog as much as we like and what the purpose of each blog. Hope you enjoy my write here in blogspot.
another blog that i have made before are resha.web.id, reshamks.wordpress.com.. please visit my main blog resha.web.id to find more information... thank you..
first post in 2009
After 3 months since last time i wrote to this blog, now i have to pay attention to keep this blog alive with brand new post.. i need more time to write in english than in bahasa indonesia. but i strongly hope i can write any idea and let it flow trough this years...
Happy new year buddy....
Happy new year buddy....
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Introducing Linux and Open Source Software at FK Unhas

At the presentation this time acting as a speaker is Arman Satari who talk about Linux and its benefits. Adi Nugroho talking about Open Office and Phipho about Multimedia in Linux.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Ubuntu Makassar Meeting
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Road Show Linux for Education
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Building a system of mutual support each other
Smart Campus Telkom, online banking BNI and Seamolec Learning System
Telkom Smart Campus
Data Management and Information Systems in Higher Education today is much influenced by the progress of information technology and communications. Utilization began to be felt by most universities already established and have substantial financial resources to bring the technology at their respective campuses.
Although most universities still not much aided by an integrated information system, Sooner or later the Higher Education will implement this system. The last thing a lot of benefits is the connection of all academic processes into one system. For example charging KRS, tuition payments to the feature-Based Studies Program Evaluation Self-Evaluation (EPSBED).
Integrated information system services is provided by the Telkom Solution and can be utilized as big as possible for college sewilayah 9 Kopertis with a fairly cheap price without investment costs are borne by the telecom.
BNI Online Banking
BNI system allows payments arising from tuition and fees can be paid directly through ATM - Student Payment Center, the menu system is already equipped with college payments. This helps students to pay anywhere without the need to queue. Students re-registration can be done automatically after the semester terdebet money via ATM. This system can also build trust and transparency in the management of education funds.
Seamolec Learning System
Seamolec currently developing a program SeaEduNet (Southeast Asian Education Network) is a solution based distance education multicast used to improve the quality and quantity of networks with wider coverage.
These systems can be adopted as a raw model for the distribution of education throughout the region. Equality education is the opening is an equal opportunity to gain knowledge from an expert lecturer to the corners that are not affordable even telephone wires.
With the cooperation the three above systems plus the provision by the Post Graduate Lecturer at Hasanuddin University. Will create a learning system with a very wide range. Involve resource persons with expertise in their fields, to engage students in various areas. And finally, join the noble purpose of the intellectual life of the nation may soon be realized. Amen ... ..
Telkom Smart Campus
Data Management and Information Systems in Higher Education today is much influenced by the progress of information technology and communications. Utilization began to be felt by most universities already established and have substantial financial resources to bring the technology at their respective campuses.
Although most universities still not much aided by an integrated information system, Sooner or later the Higher Education will implement this system. The last thing a lot of benefits is the connection of all academic processes into one system. For example charging KRS, tuition payments to the feature-Based Studies Program Evaluation Self-Evaluation (EPSBED).
Integrated information system services is provided by the Telkom Solution and can be utilized as big as possible for college sewilayah 9 Kopertis with a fairly cheap price without investment costs are borne by the telecom.
BNI Online Banking
BNI system allows payments arising from tuition and fees can be paid directly through ATM - Student Payment Center, the menu system is already equipped with college payments. This helps students to pay anywhere without the need to queue. Students re-registration can be done automatically after the semester terdebet money via ATM. This system can also build trust and transparency in the management of education funds.
Seamolec Learning System
Seamolec currently developing a program SeaEduNet (Southeast Asian Education Network) is a solution based distance education multicast used to improve the quality and quantity of networks with wider coverage.
These systems can be adopted as a raw model for the distribution of education throughout the region. Equality education is the opening is an equal opportunity to gain knowledge from an expert lecturer to the corners that are not affordable even telephone wires.
With the cooperation the three above systems plus the provision by the Post Graduate Lecturer at Hasanuddin University. Will create a learning system with a very wide range. Involve resource persons with expertise in their fields, to engage students in various areas. And finally, join the noble purpose of the intellectual life of the nation may soon be realized. Amen ... ..
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Satellite Based Education
Indonesia with more than 17,000 islands and have 416 different local language is the best example on how to implement Satellite based education. it's reduce cost and increase quality-quantity number of students who can access this specific way to learn.

In Seamolec we already implement this Satellite Based Education. we have a lot of program to do in the future.
you can join us to be a part of Satellite based education in one simple step. access our wesbite in www.seamolec.org for more information.
hope we can create an student satellite based education environment in our neighbour start from now...

In Seamolec we already implement this Satellite Based Education. we have a lot of program to do in the future.
you can join us to be a part of Satellite based education in one simple step. access our wesbite in www.seamolec.org for more information.
hope we can create an student satellite based education environment in our neighbour start from now...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Three Steps to IPV6
Preparation Phase - Present to December 2008 In the Preparation Phase, entities prepare to provide
Internet-facing services via IPv6-based connectivity while continuing to provide Internet-facing services
via IPv4 connectivity.
Transition Phase - January 2009 to December 2010 In the Transition Phase, entities provide Internet-facing services via IPv6-based connectivity in addition to IPv4-based connectivity.
Post-Transition Phase - January 2011 to the Future
In the Post-Transition Phase, entities provide all Internet-facing services via IPv6-based connectivity.
Internet-facing services via IPv6-based connectivity while continuing to provide Internet-facing services
via IPv4 connectivity.
Transition Phase - January 2009 to December 2010 In the Transition Phase, entities provide Internet-facing services via IPv6-based connectivity in addition to IPv4-based connectivity.
Post-Transition Phase - January 2011 to the Future
In the Post-Transition Phase, entities provide all Internet-facing services via IPv6-based connectivity.
Experience auditing Information System ISO 9001:2000 based
Once upon a time I was assigned to audit the office of Information Systems in Regional / branch in east Java on assignment from my boss at headquarters - Central Jakarta.
Previously we had four in the Laboratory Information System was given in depth training about:
- "Effective Internal Audit and Corrective / Preventive Action" which was held by the Business Excellence.
- Intensive ISO 9001:2000 Internal Quality Auditor Skills Training organized by the PQM.
Important elements of the audit:
Previously we had four in the Laboratory Information System was given in depth training about:
- "Effective Internal Audit and Corrective / Preventive Action" which was held by the Business Excellence.
- Intensive ISO 9001:2000 Internal Quality Auditor Skills Training organized by the PQM.
Important elements of the audit:
Information Systems Audit and legal aspects
I think all agree that now (and always) the implementation of audit information system can not leave the legal compliance aspects relevant within the scope of his audit. Developments in Indonesia in early 2008 was very demanding enhancement of the role we all, especially related to legalization:
Law. 11 of 2008 on Electronic Information & Transactionshttp://www.djpp.depkumham.go.id/inc/buka.php?d=2000+8&f=uu11-2008.htm&js=1
and to public institutions there is a new addition of the following:
Law. 14 Year 2008 on Disclosure of Public Informationhttp://www.djpp.depkumham.go.id/inc/buka.php?d=2000+8&f=uu14-2008.htm&js=1
Perhaps the above information can add to our collective knowledge. BTW, In the portal we can discover a variety of legislation we need in the audit system information, of course, related to the client, the purpose and scope of its audit.
Law. 11 of 2008 on Electronic Information & Transactionshttp://www.djpp.depkumham.go.id/inc/buka.php?d=2000+8&f=uu11-2008.htm&js=1
and to public institutions there is a new addition of the following:
Law. 14 Year 2008 on Disclosure of Public Informationhttp://www.djpp.depkumham.go.id/inc/buka.php?d=2000+8&f=uu14-2008.htm&js=1
Perhaps the above information can add to our collective knowledge. BTW, In the portal we can discover a variety of legislation we need in the audit system information, of course, related to the client, the purpose and scope of its audit.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Familiar with ISO 9001:2000

When meeting in SEAMOLEC , on sessions ISO material gives me a bit about the Old responses mastery over the material of ISO 9001:2000. from my previous experience of ISO9001: 2000 is quite difficult especially for controlled within a month. Because this standard is known quite tight, before any further it's good that we get to know first what the ISO.
ISO is a governing body certification or authorize a standard. ISO stands for International Standard Organization. ISO is made because the company wants from a variety of business sectors to satisfy its customers, in particular by improving the quality of work and service in accordance with the standards established. Not the body that created the ISO standard, but a body that produces standard way to ensure that followed in line with the rate of companies that use the standard chosen.
ISO 9001:2000 is an international standard for quality management systems. ISO 9001:2000 define the requirements and recommendations for the design and evaluation of a quality management system, which aims to ensure that the organization will provide products (goods and / or services) that meet specified conditions. Specified requirements may be a specific requirement of customers, where the organization is in the contract is responsible for ensuring the quality of particular products or the needs of specific markets, as determined by the organization.
In a college environment, what is meant by quality assurance or quality of service is provided by the colleges of stakeholders, consisting of students, alumni, graduate user / industry and parents of students.
Stakeholders will mention whatever aspect considered in determining the quality of higher education, such as aspects related to: 1. lectures and curriculum materials that link and match with the industrial world; 2. lecturing process which sesuaidengan conditions apply; 3. competence of lecturers as appropriate; 4. facilities and infrastructure that support the learning processes.
Although no definition of an acceptable quality of public secarara, all have in common, namely: 1. quality include efforts to meet or exceed customer expectations; 2. includes quality products, services, people, process and environment; 3. Quality is an ever-changing conditions (something that is considered quality today may not be considered qualified in the future).
To be continued ......
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Training SEAMOLEC planning program
In the end of this week 26-27 april 2008, all Konsultants http://jardiknas.diknas.go.id/cont/dukungan/data_tim.php met in SEAMOLEC http://www.seamolec.org office met in SEAMOLEC office. in two days we learn Multicast for distance learning, 2008 planning program.

one of our biggest challenge is make 1 million students for distance learning. we strongly believe for the next 3 years this could be happen, like when we manage Pelatihan Jardiknas 2007.
Our next 3 years plan are making 100 programs, cooperation with 6000 institution from School, Dinas Pendidikan, University all over indonesia.
Our target clients SD/SMP/SMA/SMK/MI , P4TK, LPMP, Provider PJJ PGSD, Provider (consortium) , Provider (others), Institutions and ASEAN with total 6337 clients..
We Have program Training like : ICT Basic, ICT Intermediate, ICT Advanced, Bahan Ajar Cetak, Bahan ajar audio Visual, Tutorial Tatap Muka, Tutorial Online, E-Portfolio Development, WIKI untuk pembelajaran, Penulisan Jurnal Online, E-Radio, ISO, Multicast & Dynamic Routing, KKPI, Blog, Web 2.0, Web Quest, Entrepreneur, Paperless Ect.
Hopefully... we meet nothing bad happen when our program running, and our target to making people smart in sophisticated number will come true.

one of our biggest challenge is make 1 million students for distance learning. we strongly believe for the next 3 years this could be happen, like when we manage Pelatihan Jardiknas 2007.
Our next 3 years plan are making 100 programs, cooperation with 6000 institution from School, Dinas Pendidikan, University all over indonesia.
Our target clients SD/SMP/SMA/SMK/MI , P4TK, LPMP, Provider PJJ PGSD, Provider (consortium) , Provider (others), Institutions and ASEAN with total 6337 clients..
We Have program Training like : ICT Basic, ICT Intermediate, ICT Advanced, Bahan Ajar Cetak, Bahan ajar audio Visual, Tutorial Tatap Muka, Tutorial Online, E-Portfolio Development, WIKI untuk pembelajaran, Penulisan Jurnal Online, E-Radio, ISO, Multicast & Dynamic Routing, KKPI, Blog, Web 2.0, Web Quest, Entrepreneur, Paperless Ect.
Hopefully... we meet nothing bad happen when our program running, and our target to making people smart in sophisticated number will come true.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Finally my fourth book was release on bookstore

Before turning, as usual I check the list of books in the Scholastic computer. aja times my book was published. On a previous visit had not yet signed my book to Makassar.
Checks based on keywords author - "Resha" - Gotcha ... Surprise I've entered Scholastic book, certainly with the distribution system Pernerbit ANDI means in all Scholastic book already exists ...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Java is everywhere, can you see IT?
The most booming businesses in the history of technology today is the Telephone Clasp, and java has become the only technology that hold the most in the human race on earth today.
Although many of those who do not understand how to use it even not a few who did not know that java is a technology that gripped every day. may be, this fact makes many people (Java programmer) said, "Java is everyehere, can you see it?"
Although many of those who do not understand how to use it even not a few who did not know that java is a technology that gripped every day. may be, this fact makes many people (Java programmer) said, "Java is everyehere, can you see it?"
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
understanding Multicast and IPV6
recently, in quick search from internet, i found some resources that would be helpfull to understand term multicast and IPV6.
hope it help us to understand this stuff
hope it help us to understand this stuff
Friday, April 04, 2008
Workshop SOI (School Of Internet) at SISDIKSAT UNHAS

Workshop SOI (School Of Internet) live from Japan http://soi.wide.ad.jp was held Today (April 4th 2008) at SisDikSat UNHAS. As one of the member SOI http://soi.wide.ad.jp/soi-asia/partners/index.html UNHAS regularly join this distance learning. every member could be a lecturer or stay as a student. Participant from SISDIKSAT UNHAS as shown on the picture below from left to right : Kiki, guest, Luqe and me (Resha).
Every lecturer have time to present the subject like on schedule.
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