Saturday, April 14, 2007

Mambo CMS Book was Released

Being a writer of books became my desire since the last three years. maybe because I was a big environment of academia, many involved in the discussions about IT in campus organizations, to build a computer club (, worked at several national companies in the last part of the EDP and became a lecturer at several universities IT.

This desire is finally a reality after I get the opportunity from one of the largest book publishers in jakarta. Year 2003 when it was no big change in the technique of making website. from static to dynamic, from techniques that require programming expertise into easy-to-use-only with a few clicks and a bit of technical knowledge, websites can already formed and terpublish on the internet.

happened at that time there has been no book that discusses the Mambo CMS and there are opportunities from the publisher to make this a reality. finally after a long penance, the first book published and can be found at the nearest tokobuku Gramedia. The next challenge to make the books 2, 3 etc ...


takdir said...

salam kenal pak. Saya Takdir. saya dapat blog ini dari milis LUGU. Iseng-iseng saja awalnya ternyata bapak yang menulis buku tentang Mambo ya :), saya lihat screenshotnya, saya pernah baca sekilas di gramedia. Saya tidak menggunakan Mambo tapi Joomla. Dan web yang sudah saya maintenance itu adalah Dan sekarang lagi memplajari Drupal sebagai base untuk aplikasi. Mungkin bapak bisa mengajarkan bagaimana untuk menulis sebuah buku. Saya punya minat yang besar untuk menulis.

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing the information.. :) Mambo Tutorial For Beginners