In the end of this week 26-27 april 2008, all Konsultants met in SEAMOLEC office met in SEAMOLEC office. in two days we learn Multicast for distance learning, 2008 planning program.

one of our biggest challenge is make 1 million students for distance learning. we strongly believe for the next 3 years this could be happen, like when we manage Pelatihan Jardiknas 2007.
Our next 3 years plan are making 100 programs, cooperation with 6000 institution from School, Dinas Pendidikan, University all over indonesia.
Our target clients SD/SMP/SMA/SMK/MI , P4TK, LPMP, Provider PJJ PGSD, Provider (consortium) , Provider (others), Institutions and ASEAN with total 6337 clients..
We Have program Training like : ICT Basic, ICT Intermediate, ICT Advanced, Bahan Ajar Cetak, Bahan ajar audio Visual, Tutorial Tatap Muka, Tutorial Online, E-Portfolio Development, WIKI untuk pembelajaran, Penulisan Jurnal Online, E-Radio, ISO, Multicast & Dynamic Routing, KKPI, Blog, Web 2.0, Web Quest, Entrepreneur, Paperless Ect.
Hopefully... we meet nothing bad happen when our program running, and our target to making people smart in sophisticated number will come true.